Guestbook - send me your comments here

Guestbook - I'll post them here!!

Laura Lyons - "I love the cute!"

Natalie Glaude - "Your so good Kel, very impressive, love the site. It's going to be an awesome day!!!"

Lee Ann Parent - "OMG!!!! I love this website..sooo cute! Love you Kel!!! Can't wait!!! Vegas Baby!!! Yay!"

Sarah Maynard - "Kel, you did a great job with the website!! I am getting more and more excited!!"

Kristen Margulis - "Hey!I just wanted to let you know that I LOVE your website! What an awesome idea!!
I think Brian and I are going to do a website for ours since it is a destination wedding too!!
We miss you guys, and we are really looking forward to this!!  Luv ya!!"

"Kelly and Chris,
This website is awesome. I loved reading everything. Matt and I would definatley like to stay at the Mandalay Bay. If you get a block, let me know. It is all so exciting and I am so happy for you both. I will look forward to reading more as you up date.  Your brides maid colors sound great and the flowers you chose are beautiful.  Have fun with all your planning. Seems like you are off to a great start.  Love, Aunt Wendy"

"Kel & Chris...I'm goin to Vegas baby!!!! congrats to you both. i cannot wait for the big you guys!!

Jennifer Santoro - "Yay! can't wait!xoxoxoxox"

Michelle Curran - "Cant wait for your Big Day, Kel. Love the website, very informative & fun :) Thanks for sharing & updating."